
# 96

And in a day full of magic low the princess of his carriage for the long awaited dance. Wearing a beautiful dress full of magic created by the hands of Mariah Bilavio creator of Viv.a Kids.


Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE 
Body:   *TD* ~ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl 
FrecklesMuriel. Natural Freckles
Hair: *barberyumyum*61 - brown
Oufit:[Vk!] Cinderella- gatcha-Includes tiara, dress, necklace, gloves and sneakers @enchantments(12th feb)
Essenario:[Vk!] -  Fairy Tales Collection Gatcha @enchantments(12th feb)

                                                           Special thanks
                                                           Mariah Bilavio

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